Unblock Viber Android
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Unblock Viber Android - unblocking viber on android can be so easy!

Download Waselpro to unblock Viber for Android,

Start from home screen.

1. Press "Menu" button on your device, go to "Settings".

2. Go to "Wireless and network".

3. Then select "VPN settings".

4. Tap on "Add VPN" option.

5. Then tap on "Add L2TP/IPSec PSK VPN".

6.VPN Name: WASEL Pro server (for example: de.waselpro.com)

7. Server address: WASEL Pro server again (de.waselpro.com)

8. Set IPsec pre-shared key: sharedsecret

9. Under "DNS search domains" enter

10. Press "Menu" button, select "Save".

 *You may be asked to set a password for credential storage. Just set any password you like.

Now you should see "de.waselpro.com" connection on the list.

Tap on it and authorization window will appear.

Enter your WASEL Pro "Username" and "Password" (both are case sensitive).

Select "Remember username".

When the VPN is connected the message should appear at the top bar.

To check if your IP is changed successfully open the browser and go to waselpro.com. Also notice the key icon on the top panel.

Now you're connected!

Unblock Viber Android - Or any other Mac and android driving hardware,

Using your android can be so great! the most powerfull operating system out there. but still while being in dubai, saudi, kuwait, qatar and some other countries you are getting blocked from using viber. with a fast Uk vpn which Waselpro offers you can use the entire internet and android without any restriction! ofcourse waselpro also gives ips from many other countries even France!

Iwasel vpn, the best and secure methode to surf online!

waselpro is compatible with all Android phones, netbooks, laptops, smartbooks, computers, smart phones, cellphones.

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